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In the House of Islam (DVD) (last 9 copies)
Author: David Garrison
Producer: Jon Matas
Format: DVD Documentary
Categories: Islam, Mission Books, Prayer, Religion & Worldview
Item: 30DVD2014
On Hand: 7
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God at Work in the Muslim World. Now with English and Spanish language subtitle options ISIS! Al-Qaeda! Boko Haram! These radical terror groups invade our cable news channels every day. But there is another story, an even greater story that is unfolding across the Muslim world today.
Mission researcher and author of the acclaimed book "A Wind in the House of Islam" Dr. David Garrison traveled more than a quarter-million miles into every corner of the House of Islam to investigate unprecedented reports of multiplying movements of Muslims who were turning to faith in Jesus Christ. Garrison's finding revealed that we are living in the midst of the greatest turning of Muslims to Jesus Christ in history. Where is this occurring? How is it happening? And why is it happening now?
Come journey with us into the House of Islam, the sprawling spiritual home to the world's 1.6 billion Muslims, stretching from West Africa to Indonesia. God's Spirit is at work today in the Muslim world! God promised that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective. Today, we are seeing those prayers pull down strongholds of opposition within the House of Islam, resulting in the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history!
In this remarkable new video, you'll discover how, where, and why more than 80% of all the Muslim movements to Christ in all of history are taking place right now! Join Dr. Garrison and a host of renowned evangelical authorities as they open each room in the House of Islam. You'll learn about the Qur'an, and about the five pillars of Islam, about competing forces within the Muslim world, and you get to know ordinary Muslim men and women from West Africa to Indonesia.
On this video you will learn about what Muslims believe, their practices, their heart desires, and how they are responding as never before to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This video will inform, inspire, and challenge you to join God in this unprecedented movement of Muslims to faith in Jesus Christ around the world, and in your own community.
As an integral part of the resources offered by the "30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World" movement, this video is an excellent product for any church group that wants to mobilize interest, prayer and outreach to Muslims. It is a great encouragement especially for those who regularly participate in the annual prayer focus that always coincides with Ramadan (the important Muslim month of fasting).
The different versions (56-, 32- and 17-minute versions) on the same DVD make it useful for a diversity of contexts (e.g., class room, home group, Sunday School, church service, etc.).
Most importantly, you'll learn first hand how God is at work in the House of Islam drawing hundreds of thousands of Muslims to new life in Jesus Christ. Don't miss this opportunity to journey beyond the headlines and into the remote corners of the Great Commission, where God is at work:In The House of Islam!
This physical DVD now includes English and Spanish language subtitle options.
Includes interviews with:
Dr. Don McCurry, Founder Zwemer Institute for Muslim Studies
Dr. Nabeel Jabbour, Professor and Author of "Crescent Through the Eyes of The Cross"
John Mansour, former U.S. Director, MiracleSat
Dr. Doug Shaw, President, International Students
Product Type | Video |
ISBN 13 | 0678570130351 |
Weight | 0.3000 |
Time | 56 min |
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