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The Camel Rider's Journal (Workbook only) (last 7 copies)
Editor: David Garrison
Publisher: WIGTake
Format: Workbook
Categories: Curriculum & Study, Islam
Item: 0974756261WB
On Hand: 7
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Workbook only (order additional workbooks for "The Camel Rider's Journal (DVD & Workbook)" product. This workshop can be completed in six one-hour sessions, taking a Christian from novice to experienced in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with a Muslim. Born out of the largest modern movement of Muslims to Christ in the world today, the Camel method will teach you how to lovingly share in an intelligent and effective way with Muslims.
More Muslims are coming to faith in Christ today than at any other time in history! Learn how thousands of Muslim-background followers of Jesus Christ are winning their families and friends to faith in Jesus Christ. For too long the Christian response to Islam has been fight, fright or flight. Today, there is a better way. You, to can win Muslims to Christ! You, too, can learn to ride the Camel!
This Workshop is a companion piece to a pioneering book by Kevin Greeson (The Camel, How Muslims Are Coming to Faith in Christ!), which tells the story of the largest turning of Muslims to Christ in history.
"I believe every pastor in America needs to know the Camel Method to reach Muslims." -- Dr. Mike Hamlet, Pastor, First Baptist Church North Spartanburg
"Seldom have I ever been so enthused about a book as I am about this inside peek at one of the most extraordinary acts of the Holy Spirit ever chronicled regarding Muslim evangelism." -- Dr. Phil Parshall, Missionary Author, New Paths in Muslim Evangelism
The Camel Method is one of the most powerful Muslim evangelism tools in the world today." Dr. Jerry Rankin, former President of the International Mission Board, SBC
Product Type | Books |
ISBN 13 | 9780974756264WB |
Weight | 0.7000 |
Pages | 96 |
Time | 6 hrs |
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