This bookstore is no longer active. Our remaining stock of titles can be viewed and purchased at our Amazon Store. Please have a look at what titles we have left in stock.
You can avoid paying shipping & handling charges when ordering from Here is what is required:
To take advantage of this offer, make your U.S. $ check (drawn on a U.S. bank) payable to, and mail your order to:
PO Box 9208
Colorado Springs, CO 80932
Besides the exact title, include the product ID number that is shown with each product in our online bookstore--please write legibly AND include telephone and email address in case we need to get back to you about your order! (This offer also applies to special order titles [titles not currently in our database] about which you have received information from us regarding availability and our discount price.)
How long will your order take? We recommend that you leave yourself two to three weeks time. Remember, since you are mailing your order, it will take a few days longer for us to get it. Also, your order will be mailed out by Postal Media Mail, which is slower, especially to non-continental U.S. addresses.
If any part of your order is out of stock, we will decide whether to hold the rest until missing item(s) arrive, or to ship items separately. We will make every effort to update you by email (include it with your order!), if at least part of your order cannot be shipped out within five business days after receiving it.