This bookstore is no longer active. Our remaining stock of titles can be viewed and purchased at our Amazon Store. Please have a look at what titles we have left in stock.
In regards to adding products to our online store offerings:
We are happy to receive review samples and recommendations (without committing ourselves) for published products that might fit in with our general orientation and passion.
Our product preference is for titles that challenge and help Christians to think about and understand the world in which we live—both locally and globally, and how to communicate and minister more effectively within it. Our primary interest is in subjects such as:
-- Worldviews, religions, apologetics
-- Trends: generational, social, cultural, church and ministry trends
-- History: Christian and general
-- issues: geo-political, socio-economic, contemporary
-- Missions: mission studies, biographies and cross-cultural issues
-- Reference works: on peoples and countries and organisations
In general, we minor on subjects such as how to be a better, happier Christian and fiction.
While we may appreciate your resource and even think that it could fit within our line of offerings, we limit ourselves to titles that are available from:
— Common book-industry wholesale supply sources (e.g., Ingram/Spring Arbor and Anchor Distribution), and
— Major publishers whose titles we already feature.
Thank you for your understanding. If you still think that we might be interested, feel free to mail a review copy, or email me your recommendation(s).