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English Language Teaching in Theological Contexts (last 2 copies)
Editor: Kitty Purgason
Publisher: William Carey Publishing
Format: Paperback
Categories: Curriculum & Study, Mission Books, Mission Studies, Reference, Theology
Item: 0878084649
On Hand: 2
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International students in North American seminaries struggling with academic work in English "¦ Seminary students around the world finding resource materials that are still only available in English "¦ Regional seminaries in Asia, Africa, and Europe educating people from many language backgrounds by offering instruction in English "¦ These and other factors are the primary reasons for this volume.
Trends in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) have led to specialized English and pedagogy for areas such as business, engineering, hospitality, and so on. The time has come to acknowledge English for Bible and Theology, along with specialized program design, materials, and instruction.
English Language Teaching in Theological Contexts explores various models for assisting seminary and Bible college students in learning English while also engaging in their theological coursework. It features chapters by specialists from countries including the U.S., Brazil, Ukraine, India, the Philippines, and Korea. Part one of the book presents language teaching challenges and solutions in various places; part two focuses on specific resources to inspire readers to develop their own materials.
About the editor:
Kitty Barnhouse Purgason trains ESL/EFL teachers in the Department of Applied Linguistics and TESOL at Biola University. She has a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from UCLA. Her living, teaching, and consulting experience includes time in Korea, China, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Mauritania, and Indonesia. She is active in the professional associations California TESOL and TESOL, the Christian English Language Educators Association (CELEA), and the Christians in English Language Teaching (CELT) conferences.
Product Type | Books |
ISBN | 0878084649 |
ISBN 13 | 9780878084647 |
Weight | 0.8500 |
Pages | 224 |
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